I am one of those people that can eat the same thing every day for five days. It makes prepping on Sunday for the week a whole lot easier. I try to plan what I'm going to have for the following week by Friday. That way, I can put together the grocery list for Hubster by Saturday (he does the grocery shopping. Whew!) and prepare everything on Sunday.
Here's what's in my lunch bag this week--all healthy and as "clean" as possible. I am participating in a health bet (more on that to come), so I have been making very health-conscious decisions about my weekly fare. Even more so than normal! Here's what's in my lunch bag for the week and the approximate calorie counts for how I prepared them:
- The Breakfast Cookie with coconut flakes and raisins from the Fitnessista
- 368 calories
Snack #1:
- Cottage cheese with pineapple bits (1/2c and 1/4c respectively)
- 119 calories

- Lentil meatloaf from SparkRecipes (with a few tweaks) + 1 banana
- 259 calories
Snack #2:
- Chickpea broccoli salad with raisins from Eating Well
- 180 calories
It took me all of about 1 hour to prepare a week's worth of food on Sunday night. That is a very short amount of time compared to the time it would take to prepare all these meals--or different meals--separately throughout the week. While working in the kitchen, I am always preparing multiple things at once. For example, while the lentils are simmering, I'm mixing up breakfast cookie batter ingredients. I also have a tendency to choose very easy recipes so I'm in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible. I'm a low-maintenance cooker--I like my food healthy, fast, easy and tasty. You know, no pressure.
The breakfast cookie is awesome because it tastes like an indulgence. And, because you prepare it the night before, you have zero to prep the next morning. This is good for me, because I'm always running perpetually late on weekday mornings. The breakfast cookie is actually my recipe for being on time. No joke!
I'm on a chickpea kick, so I googled "easy chickpea recipes" and came up with this whole chickpea slideshow on Eating Well. I chose a simple super nutrient-dense salad that tastes amazing. I would probably add chickpeas to anything. Well...except breakfast.
I also have a goal to incorporate more lentils into my diet since they're amazing. I never had any growing up and only recently discovered their magic. I've been researching lentil recipes for awhile now in an attempt to add more lentils to my recipe library.
Dinner will depend upon my family. I have some healthy butternut squash mac 'n cheese up my sleeve as well as mini whole wheat English muffin pizzas (DIY to come). By the way, no I am not a vegetarian, but I do try to eat as little red meat as possible and am willing trade meat for healthier vegetarian options sometimes.
Perhaps one day, I can build up a nice array of these meal plans to help you, my readers, create your own healthy weekly menus. Would you be interested?
How do you prepare for the week?
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