Full-Body Prenatal Workout Printable
Full-Body Prenatal Workout Printable
Monday, August 18, 2014
Just in case you would prefer to do my prenatal workout on your own or at the gym, I created a printable of the workout for you.
Full-Body Prenatal Workout Printable
Full-Body Prenatal Workout Printable
boun-see balls,
prenatal fitness,
Full-Body Prenatal Workout
Sunday, August 17, 2014
I did it! I finally uploaded my very first workout video!!! I'm so excited! It has been a huge goal of mine to start uploading workout videos for people to use for free. And I could see blatantly that prenatal workouts were a pretty lacking area. It's hard to find good prenatal workouts online for free.
Today, I'm sharing my very first prenatal full-body workout video with you.
Remember to warm up before you do this workout with at least 5 minutes of light walking, marching in place or something similar. Also, I would recommend a little more stretching at the end if you have the time. I know my body gets so stiff lately, it could use more stretching.
If you're feeling really energetic, you can do this workout twice through. If you don't have as much time, you can either choose the standing or the mat portions of the workout and just do those. During pregnancy, you generally don't want to work out too intensely or get too hot. You should be able to keep a conversation going. If you're huffing and puffing, you're probably working too hard. Always always always check with your doctor to see what's appropriate and recommended for you. By doing this workout you are doing so at your own risk.
Introducing my pit bull pup, Titus, where he video-bombed me at about 7:48. You can hear him whining a few times in there as well. The dangers of filming outside! Haha. And let me just share that it's Hubster's job to mow the grass and it's been growing like crazy! Don't judge...
What do you think? Leave me a comment on here or YouTube to let me know what else you'd like to see in the future.
Today, I'm sharing my very first prenatal full-body workout video with you.
Remember to warm up before you do this workout with at least 5 minutes of light walking, marching in place or something similar. Also, I would recommend a little more stretching at the end if you have the time. I know my body gets so stiff lately, it could use more stretching.
If you're feeling really energetic, you can do this workout twice through. If you don't have as much time, you can either choose the standing or the mat portions of the workout and just do those. During pregnancy, you generally don't want to work out too intensely or get too hot. You should be able to keep a conversation going. If you're huffing and puffing, you're probably working too hard. Always always always check with your doctor to see what's appropriate and recommended for you. By doing this workout you are doing so at your own risk.
Introducing my pit bull pup, Titus, where he video-bombed me at about 7:48. You can hear him whining a few times in there as well. The dangers of filming outside! Haha. And let me just share that it's Hubster's job to mow the grass and it's been growing like crazy! Don't judge...
What do you think? Leave me a comment on here or YouTube to let me know what else you'd like to see in the future.
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prenatal fitness,
Wisconsin Dells Vacation (Part Two)
Friday, August 8, 2014
Read about the first half of our Wisconsin Dells family trip in Part One.
We saved Tuesday of our family trip for Noah's Ark. It was pretty quiet when we got there, which was perfect. Peanut started out with being reluctant to ride any of the big rides, but after being coerced a little, tackled them like a boss. Of course, like every other child in history, he said, "let's do it again!" He even did this Stingray ride that would've even freaked me out:
I couldn't do many of the rides due to the current state of sharing my body with another human, but I just loved finding a shady spot to read while Peanut and his Da spent some quality fun time together. I plowed my way through #Girlboss, btw. Anyone else read it? It's such an easy, amazing read.
On Wednesday, we decided to hit up Timbavati Wildlife Park. This brought back some interesting memories. As a child, my family and I made a yearly trek to a waterpark called Waterworld. As we were entering Timbavati, I saw the old, eerie overgrown Waterworld sign and the mystery of where that waterpark disappeared to was revealed. It is now Timbavati.
There were a lot of baby animals to feed, pet and coo at.
After the wildlife park, we found another miniature golf place that was mostly in the shade (thank God!) and had some more competitive fun. Hubster and I both like to gloat a bit when we're in the lead.
On Thursday we indulged in a little bit more mini golf at our campground before packing everything up and heading home, wondering, of course, where the time went.
My favorite part of the whole trip was when the three of us snuggled into our bed after dark and put a movie in the portable DVD player. Our nights got later and later as we all hunkered down and read and watched movies. Pretty sure we traumatized Peanut with All Dogs Go to Heaven (huge heart for animals, remember? He once cried inconsolably when he saw a squashed seagull in a parking lot and just about died when he witnessed a neighborhood crow pick up a baby bunny for lunch). But it was so much fun to relive Ferngully and a few other Oldie Goodies with him.
Next time we head back to Wisconsin Dells, we will be a family of 4. I wonder where we'll go/stay next.
We saved Tuesday of our family trip for Noah's Ark. It was pretty quiet when we got there, which was perfect. Peanut started out with being reluctant to ride any of the big rides, but after being coerced a little, tackled them like a boss. Of course, like every other child in history, he said, "let's do it again!" He even did this Stingray ride that would've even freaked me out:
I couldn't do many of the rides due to the current state of sharing my body with another human, but I just loved finding a shady spot to read while Peanut and his Da spent some quality fun time together. I plowed my way through #Girlboss, btw. Anyone else read it? It's such an easy, amazing read.
On Wednesday, we decided to hit up Timbavati Wildlife Park. This brought back some interesting memories. As a child, my family and I made a yearly trek to a waterpark called Waterworld. As we were entering Timbavati, I saw the old, eerie overgrown Waterworld sign and the mystery of where that waterpark disappeared to was revealed. It is now Timbavati.
There were a lot of baby animals to feed, pet and coo at.
And a few big cats to watch. I felt a little bad though, cuz these pretty beasts only had a small sandy cage to spend their time in. (I always have these ethical conundrums at zoos).
We watched some comical pig races.
In the baby nursery, they allowed us to bottle-feed the baby goats and sheep. This is the kind of thing Peanut lives for. He's got a huge heart for animals.
We even got to hand-feed giraffes and camels.
After the wildlife park, we found another miniature golf place that was mostly in the shade (thank God!) and had some more competitive fun. Hubster and I both like to gloat a bit when we're in the lead.
On Thursday we indulged in a little bit more mini golf at our campground before packing everything up and heading home, wondering, of course, where the time went.
Peanut's picture of our camper
My favorite part of the whole trip was when the three of us snuggled into our bed after dark and put a movie in the portable DVD player. Our nights got later and later as we all hunkered down and read and watched movies. Pretty sure we traumatized Peanut with All Dogs Go to Heaven (huge heart for animals, remember? He once cried inconsolably when he saw a squashed seagull in a parking lot and just about died when he witnessed a neighborhood crow pick up a baby bunny for lunch). But it was so much fun to relive Ferngully and a few other Oldie Goodies with him.
Next time we head back to Wisconsin Dells, we will be a family of 4. I wonder where we'll go/stay next.
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Wisconsin Dells Trip (Part One)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
A few weeks ago, we planned our last family vacation before baby, while it was still manageable to do so without an infant, while we're still just a family of three. We decided to head to Wisconsin Dells after finding a great camping deal there and wanting to spend more time in our new little toy. We got 15 total attraction tickets, which amounted to 5 different attractions for the three of us: Noah's Ark, Timbavati Wildlife Park, Pirate's Cove Miniature Golf, the Ducks, and the Deer Park. More than enough to keep us busy for an entire week!
We took a Saturday through Thursday trip in order to avoid some of the weekend crowds at these places. In the Dells, many things are cheaper Sunday through Thursday, so it's helpful to know that. That time span also left the following weekend open for lounging at home. You know, the whole vacation from vacation thing.
Anyhow, we left on Saturday, after Hubster got done with work. It was quite later than expected. After getting settled in, I took Peanut down to the play area that the campground provided, including a giant blow-up jumping pillow. Peanut could hardly be torn away from that contraption. If I wasn't so preggo, I would've been right up there with him:) After dark, we heard a bunch of loud booms. After investigating, we got treated to a fireworks display from a nearby racetrack that was pretty darn good.
On Sunday we got up and took a Duck tour right away. It's amazing how they make those vehicles to drive on the road and the water. It's like something out of a movie that's totally a real thing. Peanut was quite enraptured by the phenomenon.
After the Ducks and a quick bite to eat, we hit up the miniature golf course. Pirate's Cove has some great golfing, and they take the best care of their grounds than any other I've seen. I think this year's theme for our family is miniature golfing. We've done it quite a few times now and can't seem to get enough. Peanut is getting pretty good at the rules and lining up his ball. And he loves it!
On Monday, my parents came to visit for the day and we treated them to the Deer Park, one of our favorite Dells attractions. You get to hang out with deer and feed them out of your hands! We always take our time there and buy lots of animal food because it's so rare to get to experience that experience with deer. Later on, we took mom and pops to our campground for hot dogs and S'mores and a little pool time. Poor dad had chemo scheduled for the next day, so they couldn't stay overnight.
It always amazes me that we keep going back to Wisconsin Dells. It's such a touristy town, but it's also totally insane. It's one of those towns that is so unique, you just have to go there. Where else can you drive down the street and see an upside-down White House, miles of snaking waterpark tubes, rides and roller coasters of every kind, piles of neon summer clothing and weird statues of all kinds? And if you only live 2 hours away, you might go there every year cuz your kids are enraptured by it all.
Stay tuned for Part Two of our family vacation to Wisconsin Dells.
We took a Saturday through Thursday trip in order to avoid some of the weekend crowds at these places. In the Dells, many things are cheaper Sunday through Thursday, so it's helpful to know that. That time span also left the following weekend open for lounging at home. You know, the whole vacation from vacation thing.
Anyhow, we left on Saturday, after Hubster got done with work. It was quite later than expected. After getting settled in, I took Peanut down to the play area that the campground provided, including a giant blow-up jumping pillow. Peanut could hardly be torn away from that contraption. If I wasn't so preggo, I would've been right up there with him:) After dark, we heard a bunch of loud booms. After investigating, we got treated to a fireworks display from a nearby racetrack that was pretty darn good.
On Sunday we got up and took a Duck tour right away. It's amazing how they make those vehicles to drive on the road and the water. It's like something out of a movie that's totally a real thing. Peanut was quite enraptured by the phenomenon.
After the Ducks and a quick bite to eat, we hit up the miniature golf course. Pirate's Cove has some great golfing, and they take the best care of their grounds than any other I've seen. I think this year's theme for our family is miniature golfing. We've done it quite a few times now and can't seem to get enough. Peanut is getting pretty good at the rules and lining up his ball. And he loves it!
Pirate's Cove also has a Family Play Center that we indulged in for a little bit. They had a huge playground, giant jumping pillow, giant chess and checkers, a racetrack, and trampoline basketball.
Pedal Go-Karts
Giant Chess
Giant jumping pillow
On Monday, my parents came to visit for the day and we treated them to the Deer Park, one of our favorite Dells attractions. You get to hang out with deer and feed them out of your hands! We always take our time there and buy lots of animal food because it's so rare to get to experience that experience with deer. Later on, we took mom and pops to our campground for hot dogs and S'mores and a little pool time. Poor dad had chemo scheduled for the next day, so they couldn't stay overnight.
After all that fun, the whole family hit the campground pool for a cool off.
Stay tuned for Part Two of our family vacation to Wisconsin Dells.
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