Weekly Workout Rundown

Monday, April 8, 2013

 photo 0e340d3e-62ba-4e55-9f4a-7258f16cd99a_zps3484b587.jpg
  • 30 min run outside with my pup
  • Sick/rest
  • Sick/rest
  • 35 min PM run
  • 20 min circuit training at lunch with friend
  • 30 min PM interval run
  • 20 min Drop10 workout
  • 70 min run (5miles/992 calories)
  •  Rest
 So, this was my scantily-populated workout calendar for last week. As mentioned previously, I wasn't feeling well on Monday and Tuesday. Monday, I got my first outdoor run of the season in. It's still in the 40's in Wisconsin, but Monday was sunny and I was ready to get back outside. After that run is when I started to feel under-the-weather. Thursday I took it a bit easier and Friday I went back full force. A little too forceful perhaps, because I'm still sore from that day.

Results of Saturday's workout, 5 miles, 992 calories

I'm preparing for a family 5K in two weeks. Hubster and I have a tradition of running this same local race every year, and even Peanut wanted to be signed up for the kid's run. I'm not about to argue with that! He's going to wear his special Sketchers that make him run really fast. Haha!

I'm finding that posting my workouts is helping me notice habits (good and bad) and making me more attuned to where I could use some tweaks. I'm not hell-bent on glorifying my body or anything; that's not what these goals are about. I find that goals, in any area of my life, keep me motivated and encourage progress. ~Better every day. That's even the motto of this blog. 

With that in mind, here are three of my current and newly-created goals:
  1. Start tracking calories and distance of runs in addition to minutes, so I can tell if I'm getting faster.
  2. Keep incorporating yoga or other more mindful practices into my routine to stay sane and limber.
  3. Make that Saturday long run a little faster. I'm aiming for 5 miles under 60 minutes.
  4. Tune in even more to my body, taking it easy when I feel spent and not overdoing it. Working out improves the immune system, but working out too much can damper it.
Tomorrow I'll be back with a glimpse into my food prep for the week. I also have a scrumptious squash recipe to share that came out of these preparations.

Any good suggestions for how to run faster?

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