Earlier this year, I started stalking Craigslist in the hopes that we would find something decent, in our price range, and of the hard-sided variety this time. I had a little nest egg stored up that I had been contributing to from extra bonuses and such. I quickly learned that you have to act fast. More than once we found out that a sweet camper we were interested in had been sold the same day it was posted.
Now, let's be clear. I'm the type of girl that can tent camp with the best of them. But Hubster has some back issues that make tent camping sound like hell on earth. And really, having a hard-sided camper appeals to me for different reasons too. Especially right now in my preggo condition. It's much more conducive to family camping with small children and a dog too.
Well friends, last weekend we finally found her. We picked up this cute little home on wheels and immediately started packing our virtual bags.
We've already had to spend money on new tires, updated propane tanks, registration and a few other things, but now she's almost ready to roll. We've also already made reservations for an upcoming weekend to try her out. We're not worried about it being too cold yet in Wisconsin (haven't left the 50s yet), because this baby has heat and air conditioning.
This week, I have been tackling all the camper basics we need like cooking utensils and blankets. What I really can't wait to do is to start tackling some of the aesthetic aspects of the camper. I'm trying to come up with a rough color scheme, for starters. I will be posting along the way with any updates we make. You'll see on my Pinterest board the type of look I'm going for. White cabinets and vintage details. Oh, this is going to be fun!
Welcome to our little piece of heaven. The door's always open:)
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