Family Fitness Lately

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today was a doozy of a fitness day. I'm taking these extra pounds I recently put on and showing them where to shove it, you know, family-friendly style. Family fitness happens to be one of my favorite things. Usually, the calorie-burning just happens as a result of us doing some of the family activities we enjoy, especially with the record-breaking weather we've been having here in Wisconsin this week.

The day started with a long bike ride around the neighborhood.

Here's daddy bike, mommy bike and baby bike, in case Goldilocks wanted to try them out. Peanut didn't actually ride his little bike. He road in the child seat on the back of daddy's bike, but he wanted to get his bike out when we got home for the pretty picture. And look, his bike matches his child seat!

Our bikes, Daddy bike, mommy bike, baby bike

Later in the afternoon, my workplace sponsored an employee open house at our local YMCA. Peanut got to try out these new ice skate-clad feet for the first time. He kept saying he just wanted to go in the pool, but I think he actually liked his first try out on the ice.




Um, seriously, I didn't notice this until now, but there is definitely a Goldilocks theme going on here. Daddy, mommy and baby ice skates.

Then, it was on to the pool. It was nice to have the place practically to ourselves without having to fight the usual crowds at the Y family pool.


In fact, there was hardly anyone waiting in line for the slide, so Peanut rode it and rode it and rode it.


Guess whose snores I can hear from the other room as I sit typing this? Oh, it didn't take long. We tuckered him out. And we tuckered ourselves out too.

Oh yeah. And in between all these festivities, I snuck in a Youtube Tracy Anderson rebounder the dining room. Because, you know, you can't see the computer screen when the bright sun is shining on it. She's really hard to follow, and provides no verbal direction, but as long as you're kind of doing what she's doing, you'll feel it the next day. Trust me. Warning: high jumps on the trampoline are not for the faint of bladder. I do not have a weak bladder, but even I found myself thinking an extra Kegel or two would be beneficial. The workout is definitely a sweat-inducing one. And the trampoline happens to be one of our family favorites too. In fact, I had to bribe Peanut to be able to use it for the half-hour workout. 

With the way we've been training, we probably could've signed up for a triathlon instead of a measly 5k, right?

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