We throw them out for living room picnics and cover our eyes with them during spooky nighttime movies. We wrap babies in drafty homes in them.
Blankets provide reassurance to children when they're sick. And blankies naturally feed into children's feelings of security when they're spending the night away from home. And then when they go away for their first year of college.
Blankets cover our beds and call to us when we're travelling. When we're feeling homesick, our blankets are the reason why we can't wait to "get home and sleep in our own bed."
A chevron print draped over a reading chair might contribute to well-curated home decor. Nothing fancy about 'em!
Comfort, security, warmth, reassurance, remedy and good sleep. We can attribute our feelings of home to the blankets that wrap us in their carefully-nitted yarns and woven threads.
*All of the blankets above were thrifted from various thrift stores around town. I find it exceedingly difficult to walk past the blanket shelves without stopping. I love the meaning, history, and familial connection that thrift store blankets bring with them. The top hand-knit blanket, for example, does not form a perfect rectangle. We have to fold it very carefully. This is how I know it's handmade, probably by someone's grandma for a baby shower or housewarming gift. And I actually do have the chevron blanket draped over a chair next to the bookcase where hubster's (unused) weight bench used to be. I happen to think it looks much more inviting and will get much more use:)
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