- 30 min AM LiveFit Legs
- 35 min AM LiveFit Back and Biceps
- 40 min AM LiveFit Chest and Triceps
- 40 min AM LiveFit Legs
- 30 min casual walk at lunch
- 15 min Tough Mudder boot camp at lunch
- 40 min LiveFit Shoulders and Abs after work
- 30 min run after work
- 1 hr Crossfit class (10 min warmup/cooldown, 12 min WOD)
- Does 6 hours of pushing Hubster in a wheelchair through the Milwaukee County Zoo count? I say it does. Holy sweaty!
I tried a CrossFit class for the first time on Saturday. Our new local studio offers free community classes so you can try before you buy. I've read a lot about Crossfit, but never actually tried it, and I thought it would be good for a personal trainer like myself to try out. I had a great time! Our instructors were very passionate and knowledgeable about Crossfit and nutrition. By the end of our 14-minute WOD (workout of the day), I was super sweaty, shaking, and exhilarated. My favorite kind of feeling! Seriously, 14 minutes to torched! We did three rounds of the moves, four minutes on and one minute of rest. We did AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 15 kettle bell swings, 10 air squats and 5 burpees, oh my. It was even fun to be able to chalk my hands and write on the floor, all hardcore-like.
I am going strong, beginning week four of the LiveFit Series this week. By today, I am already through legs, back and biceps, with a little off-program running thrown in. I should admit that I don't do as well with eating on the weekends as I would like. Prepping food for 5 days is quite the chore. Prepping for 7...ugh! Plus, most food doesn't keep in the fridge for that long. Double plus, it was Labor Day weekend which meant several cookout invitations. I tried to keep it clean, but I did have a slice of cake and a few chips. And my hamburger bun was of the white variety, but what gives anyway, right?
Don't forget to check back here tomorrow, where I'll be posting Workout #2 of the Workout Stick series. It's a full-body workout this time, so get ready to work everything!
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