- 40 min AM interval run, 3.33 miles
- 15 min Beach Barre
- 15 min ZWow #68
- 40 min AM hill interval run, 3 miles
- 20 min Beach Yoga
- 25 min PM run, 2.3 miles
- 40 min AM interval run, 3.25 miles
- 20 min circuit training at lunch (my workout)
- 30 min walk at lunch with mom, 2 miles
- 45 min AM run, 3.6 miles
- 20 min circuit training at lunch (my workout)
- 62 min run, 5 miles
- 45 min family kayaking trip
This was the last week of the Tone It Up Bikini Series. I finally made my #100bySummer miles on Sunday. And as much as I hate for all the excitement to end, I'm excited to change and charge up my routine this week a bit, perhaps trying out a new challenge. Any 30-day challenge suggestions would be well-received, friends.
I've said it before, but kayaking is one of my favorite active things in the world to do. Not only is it active, but it's so rejuvenating and rewarding. In our kayaks, we can get down little shallow channels that other boats can't get down. Which means: 0% boat traffic and 100% natural surroundings. I'm so glad I let Hubster talk me into buying kayaks when we were first married. After kayaking, we hit the beach for a little while where it looked like the whole hot city was hanging out.
Overall, we had fun this weekend. I finally got me a new laptop, made Creamsicles with Peanut, prepped food for the week (menu to come) and gathered some supplies from the hardware store for some more fitness-related DIYs. You'll have to stay tuned for those! They've been cooking in my mind for awhile now, but I finally scoped out and purchased the supplies, working out some of the details by bouncing ideas off Hubster. Let the creativity begin!
What did you do this weekend?
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