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Business owners take note: One of the best ways to ensure customer service exceeds your expectations is to treat your "internal customers" with just as much respect and gratitude. Well-taken-care-of employees will naturally feel more inclined to take good care of customers.
If I've learned anything from working where I work, it's that some of the best ways to honor employees are free:
1. Start some lunchtime or after-work clubs for people with similar interests. Give new parents, crafters, gardeners and others a place to gather and form long-lasting relationships. Allow participants to relax their professional demeanor a bit and show their true colors. Bring in a guest speaker every once in awhile.
2. Offer free workouts at lunchtime. Use a TV or projector to show workout videos. Exercise TV has all those free workouts on demand.
3. Host a supply exchange: Set out a table and invite employees to swap extras of an item that you choose. Some ideas are books, craft supplies, tools and kids' clothes. The rule is, you bring one to take one.
4. Relax the dress code, even just once a month.
5. Send out a weekly internal email updating everyone on what's happening inside your company. You might showcase one employee per week, revealing something no one knows about that person. This is a great way to keep everyone in-the-loop and start conversations.
5. Have employees donate business books that are in good condition to the company library and allow everyone to "check out" books from the selection.
Some of these ideas are taken directly from my own workplace. We incorporate some of these things and so much more, you probably would never guess. But henna...that's when you know you've got it good.
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