Does anyone else feel a little bit ripped off when people sell "handpicked vintage" items? I guess in a way, it makes a little bit of sense. The "pickers" find labels and styles that are highly saleable and buyers don't have to do the dirty picking work. However, for people like me, with little cash to spare and a love of all things thrift, it seems like stealing to buy a $1.00 dress at the thrift store and turn around and sell it for $30.00 in a boutique. My potential to buy and recycle an old piece of clothing is now gone and I'm looking at price tags that rival brand new clothes with vintage-inspired designs.
I see this quite often now on ebay, Etsy, and those little vintage boutiques that are popping up everywhere. A vintage designer label or valuable antique is a whole different story--they deserve a little more respect and reverence. But cute handmade skirts, children's storybooks and quirky glass cups, please don't take them out of the reach of the rest of the recession-strapped population. We would love them!
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